
Saturday, April 25, 2015

Peter Loturi

“I want you to teach me about Jesus. We don’t know him here.”   - Peter Loturi

There are only a few things I know about Peter:
1) He’s been to Kenya before.
2) He used to be a teacher and can read and understand a little English.
3) He’s too old to leave his compound or walk anywhere.
4) He asked us to teach him about Jesus.

Peter is a Didinga man who lives in Thugura, a neighboring village to Nagishot. Thugura has never really been an easy place to visit since it’s about a 3 mile hike on the side of the mountain to get there and the people aren’t always the most welcoming. But one day we went and stopped at a compound that at least let us sit down and talk to them. And after visiting the same compound a few times, Peter told us he wanted us to teach him about Jesus because he was too old to leave his compound to go to church. This was one of my most favorite redeeming moments!! It was such a difference from Nagishot…there have been so many missionaries in Nagishot, and everyone has heard of God and Jesus and many can probably tell Bible stories to you…yet there is so much apathy. But in the neighboring villages, there are no missionaries and no church. It’s different because the stories are actually new for them. Honestly, sometimes I wonder if they’re just interested because we’re white or because Abbi plays her fiddle. Or maybe they are hoping we’ll bring medicine for them…or maybe they just like looking at the pictures. But it really doesn’t matter, because for some amazing reason God helped us to find Peter and allowed me and Abbi and Lokolong (our Didinga friend who helps us translate!) to return to share with them.

God, thank you for Peter, Olga, Regina, their compound, and your providence!!

View of their compound from the hike over...almost there!

Olga Natiki is quite possibly the oldest women I have ever met! The smoke was getting in our eyes

Peter Loturi and Regina Ito

Peter reading through the story book


  1. LISA!! PRAYING FOR PETER AND FOR YOU! love your blog!! so encouraged by you!! MISS YOU BOO

  2. I am loving your blog! Thank you for your posts Lisa! :) it was so encouraging to hear how God brought you guys together! Praise the Lord! Praying for God's work in all your hearts!♡ Kelley

  3. Praise God for Peter's desire to learn about Jesus! I pray that God continues to reveal himself to him and grow in him an even greater desire in his heart.

    so how old is olga natiki???

  4. Praise God for Peter's desire to learn about Jesus! I pray that God continues to reveal himself to him and grow in him an even greater desire in his heart.

    so how old is olga natiki???
