
Sunday, February 22, 2015

Ministry Life in Nagishot

I’ve been in Nagishot for exactly 1 month! After my home stay, Abbi and I took some time to rest, enjoy the holidays, and also pray about what our ministry here will look like. It’s a newer ministry for both of us since Abbi is going to stop teaching in the schools to have more focused time on discipleship.

Before I got to Nagishot, I was able to spend some time with Geoff and Pat (the Unit Leaders who are currently on home assignment) and they explained to me that often on the missions field, discipleship starts with someone who isn’t yet saved, and continuing to walk alongside them, praying they’ll come to know Christ. They also reminded me of the difference between friendship and intentional relationship. They encouraged me that building friendships is good, but I also shouldn’t forget or confuse it with my purpose here to intentionally share the gospel. These reminders have been really helpful as I pray about ministry here!

Abbi and I are both kind of similar in needing a schedule and some daily tasks to keep us on track with ministry that’s a little more fluid. Here’s a brief idea of what our daily and weekly schedules look like! I’m trying to wake up around 7 or 7:30 am every day so that I can eat breakfast, do my quiet time, get ready for the day, and use the Internet before leaving the house around 10am. Part of our discipleship ministry is intentionally visiting with people, so we’re trying to be out in the community every day in the morning to go visit and invest in specific women we have on our hearts. Some other ministry goals we’d like to start are a bible study for some of the teenage girls and the teachers that Abbi used to work with, and also teach a bible class in the local schools two days a week.

Monday: Cleaning Day! Daily tasks take a surprisingly long time here, so it’s nice to have a day to catch up!
Tuesday: Study Day! This is our day to prepare for bible study, youth group, Sunday school, and other things we may have during the week. This is also mine and Abbi’s day to share prayer requests and pray together for each other, ministry, and the women we’re reaching out to.
Wednesday: Blogging day if we need a day to catch up on blogs, newsletters, emails, journaling, etc.
Thursday: Bible Study for the compound and other adults who would like to come!
Friday: Abbi leads Youth Group!
Saturday: Our day to sleep in a little and we’ve started a pancake breakfast tradition :)  There are also two other villages nearby, so we go visit one of them every week.
Sunday: Church and teaching Sunday School for the little kids!

We both really appreciate your prayers! Especially for…
  • Us to be in constant prayer over ministry and to seek wisdom, discernment, and clarity from God
  • To be bold and intentional with each day and in sharing the gospel
  • For us to have humble hearts and trust God with ministry
  • For God to guard our mouths to be intentional with our words
  • For softened and willing hearts of the Didinga to learn, repent, and be transformed

Abbi and I :)

People here constantly ask if we’re sisters! Sometimes they even ask if one of us is the mother…


  1. Hey Lisa, it sounds like your days are pretty full. I will definitely continue to pray for you. I enjoy getting to see a glimpse of your everyday, so thanks for sharing. :) missing you!

  2. Hi Lisa - Your boldness encourages Loris & I daily. Thank you for sharing all of your adventures. We'll continue to pray for you !!

  3. its so awesome that you get to go to the community to visit and invest in the people there! truly a blessing to be able to be such a special witness to individuals in that way!

  4. Very encouraging to read and awesome to see how you are playing a part in God's story ^^

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Hi Lisa thanks for posting! Tritia, Natalie and I just prayed for you! Hope all is well and we are really encouraged by how God is growing and using you!

  7. Loved reading your post Lisa! Encouraged by your heart to be intentional & how that's a good reminder for us here too. And yes I "get" the needing a schedule thing too :) We will continue to pray for you as you minister in Nagishot. What a blessing and a grace you are to the ladies you are reaching out to! Hugs to you!!! :) Shel

  8. i guess not! hahah i said I LOVE You and your ministry to the didinga! :)
